Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday By The Numbers

1. Ready, set, go! I think I will be leaving for Ohio tonight after all. I just can't wait to get going. Getting the kayak tied up on the car in the dark may be a pain in the ass, but I'll deal with it. The dogs will be funny. They won't know what is going on. I will post while I'm gone, but not every day.

2. Welcome to Blogger, Natalie. You look great with the contacts. Did I say great? How about stunning? You can blush now.

3. It rained a lot last night, and that made things very humid for today. The sun is coming out now, and it's going to be a scorcher. It's only eleven and I already have the fans running. Finally, some real Jersey July weather. I have fans. Heh.

4. I got the grass cut this morning. Stepped in a lot of yard bombs, though. If you have dogs, you know all too well about yard bombs.

5. Work has been very busy the last few days, and the boss is project crazy. We have an executive visit coming up, and we are spending mad hours cleaning in the warehouse. I have to tackle both of my desks tonight- I have one in the office, and one in my actual department in the warehouse.

6. Everyone have a really great weekend. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, and yes I am blushing. A lot. Have a great trip! :)
