Monday, April 13, 2009

Just Thought...

...I'd show you. My best friend from school days sent me this. It's me in the recording studio in Riverside, NJ about six years and three waist sizes ago. Dig that brick-sized cell phone.


  1. And what is that in your hand??!!

  2. Yeah, ditto what S. said. I don't think that's a can of soda, is it? lol. Great picture! Ha. Hugs.

  3. Trust me, I was of more than legal age then. As I remember it, I had enough to keep me limber that night, but not too much. Geez, I'm getting old...

  4. Dude! You look way different. Pretty cool. So are you the drumming type? Apparently I have some kinda talent for it although I don't know how much playing Rockband really tells you what could do on a real drum set :P
