Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Baaaaack...

So, I'm back from vacation. The rest of the trip was good. Lots of visiting with relatives and eating out and parties. And I slept great every night I was there. I'm glad that my family is so much fun. I hated to leave. It seemed like such a quick trip. With any kind of luck I will be back there for a couple of weeks in August.

I drove 80 MPH almost all the way home yesterday and made it back in seven hours. I only stopped once to go to the bathroom and fuel up. It's a new record for me, not that I'm trying to beat the clock or anything.

When I got home the dogs were very glad to see me. They had, however, shown their displeasure at my being gone. Cortez ate the last several chapters of a John Fante book of mine, and Bill told me that Bosco had been peeing on everything in the kitchen dispite being let out frequently to go to the bathroom. Still, I was happy to be back home with them. I was also happy to find that, with the exception of mopping the kitchen floor, Bill had cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. That was nice to come home to find.

The bad news in all of this is that I am getting sick. I woke up Sunday morning with a sore throat coming on, and later in the evening I got so stuffy that I could hardly breathe. I began downing zinc tablets, colloidal silver and orange juice. I could not sleep due to the stuffiness, so finally at 4:00 AM I took a Sudafed, which I am not really supposed to take beause it raises the blood pressure. I took it anyway, and a half hour later I was clear.

Today I am fightng the stuffiness again a little. I can feel the pressure building in my sinuses. And work is complete insanity. I'm running two departments tonight but almost everyone is working in shipping due to unusually high work volume in that department because of the place being closed on Friday. The offices were also closed today as this is their manditory unpaid day off for April, so very few calls or emails coming through, and our front offices are like a ghost town.

Well, tonight I have paperwork to catch up on, blogs to catch up on, and poetry writing to catch up on. Better get to it...


  1. Welcome home. Glad to hear you had a good time with your family.

  2. I'm glad you had a fun trip! I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Glad to see you back!

  4. Welcome home. Glad your vacation was fun for you. Nice coming home to a clean house, isn't it? Hugs.
