Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Beat It

Well, when I saw on Monday what the weather forecast was for Tuesday and Tuesday night- a 1/2 inch of freezing rain- I immediately put in for a vacation day for Tuesday. I did not want to spend another night on a cot in the conference room. It was approved, so I was at home yesterday.

In my area, South Jersey, we got nothing but drizzle all day and night. In North Jersey, where work is located, they got the ice storm. So, I made a good move. Today everything warmed up and started melting. By the time I had to go to work today, the roads were just wet. It's been windy all evening and the roads are drying. Yay.

So, yesterday, I slept in until noon. I got up, cleaned up and ran some errands. I also went to the bank and got myself set up with a debit card and account. That's correct, I did not have one before this. After that I ate lunch and spent three hours on the guitar. I plugged the mp3 player into the stereo, put in on shuffle, and tried to learn every song that popped up on the fly. My success rate was about 20 percent- not too bad in my opinion. Then I produced and posted my latest poetry podcast ( and ate dinner.

Later on the night took a crazy turn. I was playing around on facebook. A friend posted an update that basically said, "comment on how you met me, but don't tell the truth. Make stuff up. Then post this to your profile so I can do the same". Well, I did it, and it just took off. I was suddenly geting lots of comments on my wall and all of my friends were posting the update to their pages, and I was commenting on all of them. It was a lot of fun.

While this was going on, I started drinking red wine. I drained a bottle and a half, and when I was nearly finished, I got into a drunken texting bout with a former lover. It quickly became a train wreck. She didn't know I was drunk- just thought I was being an ass. She called me this afternoon to find out for sure which it was. She was pretty unhappy with me and I feel bad about it.

Anyway, I ended the night hopping into bed about 12:30. I slept great and got up feeling great this morning. Tonight has been a slow night at work. A number of people were given the option of leaving work two hours early. All but one of my employees took advantage of the offer. Tomorrow is going to be even slower. We have plenty of shipments out there, but the storm has delayed everything and slowed things down considerably.

Well, my break is over. Back to work. Good night all.


  1. A bottle and half of wine?! I would have had one bad headache in the morning!

  2. Guitar Frenzy!!! 3 hours on the guitar ='s pure bliss!!!
